
Oleh : Jaya Suprana | Jumat, 03 November 2017 - 18:58 WIB

Jaya Suprana, Budayawan Indonesia (Foto:kaskus)
Jaya Suprana, Budayawan Indonesia (Foto:kaskus), Jakarta, ADA sejenis penyakit baru mewabah di panggung politik masa kini yaitu hujatinitis alias radang gemar menghujat. Satu di antara para penderita hujatinitis adalah Donald Trump.

Koran global The New York Times sampai merepotkan diri untuk menyusun sebuah artikel berjudul berkepanjangan "The 382 People, Places and Things , Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List" dengan sub judul "Insults since Mr. Trump declared his candidacy".

Artikel tersebut disusun secara sistematis leksikal berdasar urutan abjad tentang manusia, tempat atau benda yang dihujat oleh Donald Trump sejak mulai mengkampanyekan dirinya sebagai calon presiden USA dalam bentuk kicauan lewat tweeter pribadinya. Karena daftar korban hujatan Trump luar biasa panjang, maka saya petik hanya terbatas beberapa petikan saja.

*Hillary Clinton*
Donald Trump paling getol menghujat Hillary Clinton misalnya sebagai "crooked", "a bad candidate!", "lost the debates and lost her direction!", "blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss", "in the end, had no game!", "can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?", "gave our country away", "colluded" , "a terrible candidate", "Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!", "no enthusiasm!", "unfit to serve", Crooked Hillary's corruption is closing in, decades of lies and scandal, Guilty - cannot run, a big mistake, should not be allowed to run for president, you have failed, failed, and failed, no solutions, no ideas, no credibility,too weak to lead, the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency of the United States, A Pathological Liar !, ZERO leadership ability, said she is used to 'dealing with men who get off the reservation.' Actually, she has done poorly with such men!, one of the all time great enablers!, unqualified to be president, Sad!, serta lain-lain kreativitas hujatan Trump.

*Jeb Bush*
Posisi runner up korban yang paling banyak dihujat Donald Trump dipegang oleh mantan gubernur Florida, adik George Bush Jr., Jeb Bush mulai dari hypocrite, has no clue, failed campaign, lightweight, desperate and sad, Weak, no chance, gave up and enlisted Mommy and his brother, spent a fortune of special interest money on a Super Bowl ad, weak candidate, zero communication skills, had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me, total disaster, will do anything to stay at the trough, at the bottom of the barrel, low energy guyhe should go home and relax!, sad sack, did poorly last night in the debate, chances of winning are zero, weak & ineffective, campaign is a disaster, low-energy individual, low-energy 'stiff', has no chance, sampai ke will NEVER Make America Great Again dll, dst, dsb .

*Kim , Zucker, Zeleny*
Sementara ternyata Kim Jong Un malah relatif cuma sedikit dihujat oleh Trump sebagai Little Rocket Man atau Obviously a Madman saja.

Demi memperpendek naskah, lebih baik kita loncat ke korban hujatan Donald Trump di bagian abjad Z yaitu presiden CNN, Jeff Zucker yang dihujat sebagai failed NBC and he is now failing CNN sebelum daftar korban hujatan Trump diakhiri dengan reporter senior CNN, Jeff Zeleny yang dihujat Trump sebagai bad reporter.

_Penulis adalah pembelajar kemelut politik kontemporer_

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