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Ricco Survival Yubaidi, S.H., M.Kn., Ph.D. Notaris, PPAT, Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Rabu, 19 Juni 2024 - 08:05 WIB

PT Perorangan: Solusi Praktis untuk Percepatan Usaha di Indonesia

Dalam ekosistem bisnis di Indonesia, ada dua bentuk perseroan yang diakui secara hukum: Perseroan Perorangan (PTP) dan Perseroan Terbatas (PT). Masing-masing bentuk perseroan ini memiliki karakteristik…

Ketua MPR RI sekaligus Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Bambang Soesatyo

Minggu, 16 Juni 2024 - 14:31 WIB

Demi Ketertiban Umum, Jangan Biarkan Pisau Hukum Tumpul

MASYARAKAT hanya bisa prihatin dan mengeluh ketika melihat dan merasakan semakin tumpulnya pisau penegakan hukum yang nyata-nyata berakibat pada menurunnya derajat ketertiban umum. Rasa keadilan…

Presiden Jokowi menyaksikan FIFA Matchday antara Timnas Indonesia melawan Timnas Argentina di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senin (19/06/2023). (Foto: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev)

Rabu, 12 Juni 2024 - 07:04 WIB

Kualifikasi Piala Dunia, Diaspora adalah Investasi

Legenda investasi kelas dunia, Warren Buffet pernah mengatakan. "Kesuksesan dalam ber-"investasi", tak ada hubungannya dengan IQ. Bila telah ada kecerdasan normal. Yang dibutuhkan, tinggal "pengendalian…

Bambang Soesatyo Ketua MPR RI/Dosen Pascasarjana Fakultas Hukum Borobudur, Trisakti dan Universitas Pertahanan RI (UNHAN)

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2024 - 21:00 WIB

Negara Wajib Peduli Masa Depan dan Tantangan Gen-Z

DATA resmi tentang 10 juta remaja atau generasi Z (Gen-Z) yang tidak melanjutkan sekolah dan tidak bekerja harus ditanggapi dengan bijak, dengan menghadirkan pendekatan solutif. Berpijak pada…


Senin, 20 Mei 2024 - 12:55 WIB

Analyzing TikTok's Marketing Model

In the digital age, social media platforms have revolutionized marketing strategies, offering innovative ways for brands to connect with their audiences. Among these platforms, TikTok has emerged…

Marketing Innovation (Ilustrasi)

Minggu, 19 Mei 2024 - 22:10 WIB

Innovation in Marketing Strategies That You Need to do!

In an era that continues to develop rapidly, it is important for us to always follow developments in trends to find effective marketing strategies. An effective marketing strategy must be dynamic…

Industri kesehatan

Minggu, 19 Mei 2024 - 21:35 WIB

Strategic Development of Health-Related Assistance Services in Post-Covid-19 Indonesia using PESTLE Analysis

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically reshaped the global healthcare landscape, highlighting both vulnerabilities and opportunities within health-related services. As Indonesia emerges from…

Industri (Ilustrasi)

Minggu, 19 Mei 2024 - 09:50 WIB

Market Development and Business Strategies in The Engineering Field

The engineering field, as a vital pillar of the national economy, sees its market development trend directly related to the stable growth of the national economy and the improvement of social…

Mobil listrik

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2024 - 17:57 WIB

Strategi Marketing Dalam Penjualan Kendaraan Listrik atau EV

Dunia transportasi tengah mengalami transformasi besar dengan kemunculan kendaraan listrik (EV) sebagai pemain utama. Hal ini menandakan pergeseran menuju era baru dalam mobilitas manusia, di…

Ketua MPR RI sekaligus Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar dan Dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Borobudur, Universitas Pertahanan RI (UNHAN) serta Universitas Trisakti, Bambang Soesatyo

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2024 - 09:00 WIB

Gotong Royong dan Menghidupi Kewajiban Check and Balances

RAGAM persoalan baru yang menjadi tantangan riel, utamanya di sektor ekonomi, terus tereskalasi akibat ketidakpastian global yang berlarut-larut sekarang ini. Jika tidak ditangani dengan bijaksana,…


Jumat, 17 Mei 2024 - 17:32 WIB

Amazon's Strategic Marketing Strategy and its Implications for The e-commerce Industry

As one of the world's largest e-commerce companies, Amazon's success not only relies on excellent operational capabilities and technological innovation, but more importantly, its carefully designed…


Kamis, 16 Mei 2024 - 19:05 WIB

SWOT Analysis of Yoyic in Indonesia

Yoyic benefits significantly from its association with Mengniu Dairy, one of the largest dairy companies in China. Mengniu’s established reputation for quality and innovation provides a solid…

Green Marketing (Ilustrasi)

Kamis, 16 Mei 2024 - 18:50 WIB

Green Marketing and Toyota's Green Marketing Practices

Green marketing, also known as environmental marketing, is a market marketing strategy that is guided by environmental protection. It focuses on how to integrate environmental factors into all…

Industri kontruksi alat berat (ilustrasi)

Kamis, 16 Mei 2024 - 15:55 WIB

Analysis of '5P' strategy for marketing in construction machinery industry with case Sany Heavy Industry

The construction machinery industry occupies an important position in the global economy. As China's leading construction machinery manufacturer, Sany Heavy Industry occupies an important share…

Industri manufaktur (Ilustrasi)

Kamis, 16 Mei 2024 - 15:07 WIB

Exploring The Indonesian Market: Opportunities and Strategies for Chinese Electric Equipment Manufacturers

China has solidified its position as a global leader in manufacturing, particularly in the electric equipment sector. With advancements in technology, production capabilities, and competitive…

Xu Caiyun, Master Of Technology Management Bisnis President University

Rabu, 15 Mei 2024 - 23:20 WIB

Assessing and Managing Industry Risks in Indonesian Investments

Indonesia, as an important economy in Southeast Asia, offers vast market potential and investment opportunities that attract numerous foreign investors. However, each industry poses specific…

Ilustrasi marketing

Rabu, 15 Mei 2024 - 21:20 WIB

Strategies for Product and Sales, Together With Marketing Mix to The Business Strategy

Nowadays, with digital technology advancing at a rapid pace, it's incredibly simple to do a variety of jobs at home or at work. Since the advent of digital technology and the capacity to connect…

Ilustrasi industri kosmetik

Rabu, 15 Mei 2024 - 21:02 WIB

How can Chinese Cosmetic Brands Seize The "Hot Land" of The Indonesian Market?

The Indonesian cosmetics market has huge potential, becoming a new blue ocean. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country and the fourth most populous nation, with an average age…
