Innovation in Marketing Strategies That You Need to do!

Oleh : Gabrielle Petrina Lee Barnabas, Master Of Technology Management, President University | Minggu, 19 Mei 2024 - 22:10 WIB

Marketing Innovation (Ilustrasi)
Marketing Innovation (Ilustrasi) - In an era that continues to develop rapidly, it is important for us to always follow developments in trends to find effective marketing strategies. An effective marketing strategy must be dynamic and innovative because marketing is one of the main foundations for a company. Here are ways you can innovate in your company's marketing strategy:

1. Create an interesting and memorable experience for consumers

Marketing based on direct consumer experience seems to be more popular than just brochures/advertising. You can also create this experience by providing testers or demos directly to consumers so that consumers don't easily forget about your product. For example, doing a demo of a makeup product by directly inviting interested consumers to try it.

2. Using Influencers

Marketing that uses influencers usually gets more attention from many audiences. In using this marketing technique, you have to be creative in creating content and advertising using the ability of influencers to attract the attention of a large audience. For example, you do a talk show or live Instagram with these influencers to discuss the advantages of your product.

3. Make sure your product has a different and unique value

Marketing that highlights the values ​​of your product is very important in building your product's image. So that every time these values ​​are stated, your product is the main image. For example, your product uses 100% natural ingredients and is guaranteed to be safe on the skin. So everyone who is looking for products with natural ingredients will immediately think of your product.

With the methods above, you can increase the competitiveness of your business through your marketing. However, you need to remember that you must be able to determine your target market so that you know how to adapt correctly and according to the needs of your target market.

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