TikTok Has Become One of The Marketing Strategies for Businesses

Oleh : Yayang Wisata, Mahasiswa/i Master Technology Management Presuniv | Senin, 01 April 2024 - 15:20 WIB

Ilustrasi digital marketing
Ilustrasi digital marketing

INDUSTRY.co.id - Imagine a future in which more or less 60-second videos have the ability attract millions of people, start worldwide trends, and bring companies into the public eye. Welcome to TikTok, an environment where creativity has no boundaries and where each scroll presents another opportunity for businesses to succeed. 

TikTok has evolved from a simple place for enjoyment in the digital era to a vibrant marketplace where companies can use the power of short-form video to engage customers, build brand awareness, and establish an identity in the always changing industry of social media marketing. It also allows you to create live videos or often called live broadcasts which can also be used for business.

From live broadcasts, business people can also sell directly and provide education about their respective products and this allows large and small business people or social media influencers to increase their followers to increase brand awareness and branding image among the audience. 

The number of TikTok users continues to increase, reaching almost 1.56 billion active users in January 2024. 

According to tiktokbusiness.com, almost 50% of TikTok users think that TikTok helps them discover new products/brands and 68% of users search for them. product/brand reviews on TikTok. This further proves that TikTok is one of the social media that people like most. Therefore, many business people consider TikTok as a good opportunity to use as a marketing strategy for their products.

Marketing Strategies That Businesses Can Implement on TikTok

TikTok has become a powerful platform for companies looking to connect with all consumers from any age group and create interesting content. Here are a few successful TikTok marketing tactics for companies: Here are some Marketing Strategies that you might be able to follow : 

Who is your target?

When sellers have a business and want to promote it on social media like TikTok, it's not enough to just have a product without their target. Therefore, you have to know who needs the product you are selling.

Does your target come from gen X, Y or Z?

After you know who your target is, then you can make it easier for you to create advertising content for your product according to your target segmentation.

Find a creative ideas & good quality videos

Find the concept ideas that might be out of the box for consumers, which could be the video uses unique attributes such as musical instruments, costumes, room decorations so they look good in the live frame. 

In addition before doing live streaming it would be better if you could upload a video using effects or music that is currently viral/ famous so that your video becomes FYI in the home page audience, in the same way  you need to use hashtags and simple video descriptions that can provide detailed information about the product knowledge and motivate the audience to have intention to buy that products. Then sellers can also do live streaming to interact with the audience.

On the other hand, sellers may also take advantage of TikTok's huge popularity by using TikTok Ads in their marketing plans.

Use TikTok Ads

TikTok has become one of the most popular platforms, which is great for sellers who prefer to show off their goods and touch many potential customers. Here are a few possibilities of TikTok advertisements:

● Video In Feed ads: Ads that will top up on the user's homepage by scrolling the feed.

● Promotes Hashtag Challenge: This is where product brands upload a video with a unique challenge and hashtag.

● Brand Effect/Filter: A product brand that creates an effect that can be used by all users. This can increase visibility and engagement with creatives.

To conclude, TikTok's progression to significance as a marketing platform is representative of the changing face of digital marketing, where creative and interesting content is essential for bringing in customers and encouraging company expansion.

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